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![Terry3_thumb[1] Terry3_thumb[1]](http://lh3.ggpht.com/_v68WnMKHlKQ/TUTKuqlcfNI/AAAAAAAACR8/TyP-OeTYkMY/Terry3_thumb%5B1%5D_thumb%5B158%5D.png?imgmax=800)

Below are the writing-related links I tweeted last week.
The Writer’s Knowledge Base search engine, designed by software engineer and writer Mike Fleming, makes all these links searchable—try it for searches on plotting, characterization, querying, book promo, and more. Sign up for the free monthly WKB newsletter for the web's best links and interviews: http://bit.ly/gx7hg1 .
I’m compiling a directory of ebook professionals—cover designers, formatters, freelance editors, etc.—to make it easier for writers to connect with services. If you’d like to be added, please email me at elizabethspanncraig (at) gmail (dot) com with your contact info, website, etc. The directory can be accessed here.
I released an ebook last week. Progressive Dinner Deadly is a Myrtle Clover mystery and is currently available for $2.99 on Kindle and Nook. Hope you’ll mention it to any friends who enjoy mysteries.
Hiding clues with humor: http://bit.ly/okk6Pj @HP4Writers
Why You Should Write First for Yourself: http://bit.ly/nrbKLd
How Intuition Can Enhance Your Writing: http://bit.ly/r2R8v4 @TheCreativePenn
Pushing Past the OK Plateau: http://bit.ly/r7WcYk
What top-earning authors make: http://bit.ly/qsTlXl
Why query letters matter: http://bit.ly/q8IVOe @tawnafenske
Breaking In To Publication: Short Stories vs. Novels: http://bit.ly/qtNcNe
Are You A 10,000 Words A Day Writer? http://bit.ly/pOcymC
3 Ways to Write for Yourself: http://bit.ly/p13quD
A directory to help connect writers to cover designers, editors, and formatters: http://bit.ly/qP3ai6
Striking the proper tone: http://bit.ly/qUD3mQ @Mommy_Authors
How to Hire an Editor: http://bit.ly/mZcpJv
The next Writer's KB newsletter features an interview w/ Terry Odell & the month's favorite posts. Sign up for free at http://bit.ly/gx7hg1
How to increase your chances of meeting with an agent at a convention: http://bit.ly/obd2wG
Are Agents & Publishers Too Picky? http://bit.ly/rd8GDC
Is "They" Acceptable as a Singular Pronoun? http://bit.ly/qUVCS8
Describing Characters: http://bit.ly/pG08RN
2 different career arcs for writers: the Genius and the Late Bloomer: http://bit.ly/nZFfnX
A lesson in backstory: http://bit.ly/nFsYjl
Poor sales can affect your future: http://bit.ly/rqMnxA
An agent talks about pen names: http://bit.ly/nArcJ5
Search my tweets-- http://dld.bz/KPgS
How to avoid creating plastic characters: http://bit.ly/nVMajk @JodyHedlund
4 great ways to use Evernote with Skitch today — plus 14 new possibilities: http://bit.ly/oaSGBh @awsamuel
Lost Interest in Writing Your Novel? How to Love Your Characters: http://bit.ly/qLc1oE
Creative Writing Program Rankings Released: http://bit.ly/qmQEO8 @galleycat
Snipping Your Novel's Reviews for Social Media: http://bit.ly/nDRRrn
How to Build a Book Group Audience for Your Book: http://bit.ly/nkCMEf
10 tips for a good interview--as both interviewer and subject: http://bit.ly/oxgog1
Common sense and the writer: http://bit.ly/o5H94d
5 Simple Font Changes to Boost Readers, Comments, and Shares on Your Blog: http://bit.ly/qre5on
Twisting the Tropes in Historical Romance: http://bit.ly/or1MIp
James Patterson brand makes him world's best-paid writer (Guardian): http://bit.ly/nEu5aZ
The Business of #Screenwriting: They will pigeonhole you (and why this can be a good thing): http://bit.ly/ru33ir
Writing Dystopian Noir Fiction: http://bit.ly/nGkqUc
10 Science Fiction Books That Changed the Course of History: http://on.io9.com/oqd3VP
How to Eschew Obfuscation & Write Clearly: http://bit.ly/nVO1ZY
Critical reading means criticizing your reading: http://bit.ly/rfLy07
10 Words Editors Hate: http://bit.ly/o4ZSxl
The Top 10 Books That Influenced J.R.R. Tolkien: http://bit.ly/pZRxyH
A Degree to Write? http://bit.ly/pvzLaO
12 essentials for a successful author website: http://bit.ly/nWCAWL
Stop making excuses and start writing now: http://bit.ly/nGMsKj @fuelyourwriting
How to Use Skype to Sell Books: http://bit.ly/phYOBu @BookMarketer
8 tips to Make Your Next Writers Conference Awesome: http://bit.ly/qUHv9t
Tips for removing narrative distance & tightening POV: http://bit.ly/nmltKr @bluemaven
How to start a blog post: http://bit.ly/nFGP7M @SeanPlatt
Thoughts and tips for naming characters: http://bit.ly/mQZN8w
How to Make Your Reader Cry: Anatomy of a Death Scene: http://bit.ly/rutXsv @lkblackburne
Tips for personal essay : http://bit.ly/owuuQb
The Nuance of Suspense: http://bit.ly/ocdBcu @JoanSwan
4 Tricks for Improving Your Fiction in One Day: http://bit.ly/ovsSGo @victoriamixon
Tips for perfecting your YA voice: http://bit.ly/n4Yseo
Error-Free Will Come "When Cars Can Drive Themselves": http://bit.ly/oUYjR7
The Fine Art of Choosing A Pen Name: http://bit.ly/ph9mQs
What bloggers can learn from comedians: http://bit.ly/p30huC
Authors, Are You Approachable Online? http://bit.ly/ohUx4j @GoblinWriter
Points to consider if you're a new writer hoping to publish an ebook: http://bit.ly/rtDtAg
An agent reminds writers to be team players: http://bit.ly/nqrqhF
Why Authors Should Be Writing in Adobe InDesign: http://bit.ly/nIFzqu
Facebook for Bloggers: A Short Guide: http://bit.ly/n4PKDM
Are you master of your book promotion or just a serf? http://bit.ly/qRO0Gu
How Much Do Book Designers Earn? http://bit.ly/npir6i @galleycat
A writer predicts 10 ebook trends: http://bit.ly/mXLdBo
8 Tips for Using Quotes and Dialogue in Your Blog Posts: http://bit.ly/pqUtWS
A deadly sin of writing--POV prostitution: http://bit.ly/nh5dfs
Plot your revision: http://bit.ly/npgiOc @HowToWriteShop
An agent's thoughts on lessons in picture books: http://bit.ly/pTOqV4
Convert Your PDFs into Clean Kindle or ePub Files: http://bit.ly/oIlNKN @galleycat
3 ways to toughen up wimpy characters: http://bit.ly/oUzdfN @JulieMusil
5 Brainstorming Strategies for Writers: http://bit.ly/oEEALd
101 of the Best Fiction Writing Tips: http://bit.ly/qmWUVl @writeitsideways
An agent explains what happens if your book doesn't sell: http://bit.ly/qO1Aa1
How to Build a First-Class Email List in 30 Days — from Scratch: http://bit.ly/oFg4vT
Tips for reading blogs and leaving meaningful comments: http://bit.ly/rowO3A
5 more techniques to help you ratchet up the tension and conflict in your story: http://bit.ly/oAQpbR @jhansenwrites
Organization for Creative People – Why Your Brain May Be Keeping You From 'Getting Things Done': http://bit.ly/nCvJK0
How to Use Journaling Therapy to Know and Grow Your Life: http://bit.ly/quUxtT
How to Tantalize as a Graphic Novel: http://bit.ly/oCNT2h
Writing Life: Reassessing Goals For the Year: http://bit.ly/mWZ7zh
Outlining As You Write: http://bit.ly/oIUCxT
How to Make Your Blog Readers Into Rabid Fans: http://bit.ly/p6XuRj
Why 1 writer isn't a fan of fan fic: http://bit.ly/oMJgYQ
How to Treat Names of Groups and Organizations in Your : http://bit.ly/q4MA7A
A fight scene formula (to avoid): http://bit.ly/qbc0VL
5 steps to better proofreading: http://bit.ly/q74GPH @woodwardkaren
Scammers want *you*: http://bit.ly/nuzMQf
How to give book teasers for an upcoming release: http://bit.ly/qGjbT5 @cherylktardif
How to Throw a Book Party that Rocks: http://bit.ly/pN6dkZ
10 Things You Need to Know About Virtual Book Tours: http://bit.ly/pfthMv @nouveauwriter
Crime Writers: Hostage Situations from the Police Negotiator's Perspective: http://bit.ly/npR6ij
An agent on author advances (& whether there's such a thing as too much): http://bit.ly/rfex4V
Should You Pitch (and Sign With) a New Agent? The Pros and Cons: http://bit.ly/riZkuN
7 Easy Steps to Much Faster Writing: http://bit.ly/ruK9RJ
The Latest E-Book Buying Trends (Publishers Weekly): http://bit.ly/pl9xHw
Are books dead, and can authors survive? (The Guardian): http://bit.ly/pjbjoH
Writing and Publishing E-Books for Charity: http://bit.ly/q9TFqy
Need help with pacing? http://bit.ly/gbXFZH
Pros of different types of settings: http://bit.ly/n20xTe
Why Copying Inspires Creativity: http://bit.ly/qB9BVp
For crime fiction writers--how burn phones work: http://bit.ly/nYzaTC @ClarissaDraper
An agent reminds us to meet our deadlines: http://bit.ly/qS3Ebt
The Dangers of Inadequate Writing Time: http://bit.ly/nzgWeK
How Booksellers Can Fight Censorship During Banned Books Week: http://bit.ly/qs8lBK
Crime fiction sleuths who get push-back from family & friends for investigating: http://bit.ly/p1jf1F @mkinberg
What 1 writer learned over summer vacation: http://bit.ly/owqxic @BTMargins
How getting dissed by a literary giant gave 1 writer confidence: http://bit.ly/nshTqS @PennyJars
7 Rules for Identifying People by Place Names: http://bit.ly/rl9z1n
How to build a villain: http://bit.ly/rssK56 @woodwardkaren
How to Satisfy Your Reader without Being Predictable: http://bit.ly/mZ7Ir1 @victoriastrauss
Why authors should start a newsletter: http://bit.ly/pCuzxj
When to re-query an agent: http://bit.ly/ovEtKm
13 things that go into a book proposal: http://bit.ly/pEurt3
On author photos: http://bit.ly/qzmS7p
Tips for plumping up wispy book middles: http://bit.ly/qul3Fm
How to Deal with Unconstructive Criticism: http://bit.ly/q8yxkN
Who has the power in #publishing? http://bit.ly/oSuT51
Best Articles This Week for Writers 8/26/11: http://bit.ly/pMPFvK @4kidlit
Plagiarism: Is It Safe to Share Your Writing With Others? http://bit.ly/oPlaNJ @meghancward
The death of the book tour: http://bit.ly/rrULY1 @AnneRAllen
Preparing to meet agents and editors: http://bit.ly/ogCvea
Don't just think about it---send out those queries: http://bit.ly/o9H9WU
Character flaws from virtues: http://bit.ly/mQaOxo
When you need backstory and when you don't: http://bit.ly/oNiLL7
Regrets and What They Say About Your Character: http://bit.ly/ruzmbG @jeanniecampbell
The Difficulty of Finding Story Ideas That Publishers Like: http://bit.ly/qKVfTW @jodyhedlund
10 Tips for Attacking First Drafts: http://bit.ly/rrcUBt @elspethwrites
Lost the Ability to Write? How Writers Get Their Grooves: http://bit.ly/nUwicY
Outlining a Novel - Step By Step: http://bit.ly/p9SRX4
Captain America's 10-Step Guide to the Likable Hero: http://bit.ly/qH3V1D @KMWeiland
Top 10 Tips of Writing 1 Writer Learned from Studying JK Rowling: http://bit.ly/pDLGuo @HP4Writers
Dialogue as a weapon: http://bit.ly/oaFDwb
Librarians Reshelve 27,000 Books After Virginia Earthquake: http://bit.ly/ouM2bl @galleycat
9 tips to set and achieve creative goals: http://bit.ly/pZZtta
How to deal with people: Advice for the shy & socially awkward: http://bit.ly/oJF3o3
Using the 3-Act Structure: Adjusting Expectations: http://bit.ly/pxRgsP
$99 Tablet from Amazon? http://bit.ly/qwhbLX @PassiveVoiceBlg
3 Lessons Learned While Backpacking Europe: http://bit.ly/mYh6te @YAHighway
Playing To Your Strengths as a Writer: http://bit.ly/nBO71x @jhansenwrites @GeneLempp
Formatting red flags: http://bit.ly/isBR78 @WriteAngleBlog
Work for hire arrangements in publishing: http://bit.ly/r8m5nw
The units that make up a plot: http://bit.ly/pjJsrR
Conflict vs. complication: http://bit.ly/o8lZSF @tabithaolson
6 dialogue traps to avoid: http://bit.ly/odnGlT @indieauthor
Should I meet writers, or write (or blog)? The writer's dual identity: http://bit.ly/quxh0Z @JulietteWade
A Book's Success (or Failure) Depends On A Lot Of Variables, Reminds an Agent: http://bit.ly/o0A0cw
Sword Swallowing: Put Your Emotion On The Page: http://bit.ly/nv3wm7
Real Life Diagnostics: Getting Emotional: http://bit.ly/pTIb2J
What "Cowboys and Aliens" Can Teach us About Connecting to Readers: http://bit.ly/oBUlFR @Janice_Hardy
Creative Goal Setting for Writers: http://bit.ly/mQCbBA
3 Things That Come First Before You Tackle Social Media: http://bit.ly/nGuvec @JaneFriedman
Your Characters Should Exist in Time: http://bit.ly/qnjCfh
Why writers need to be able to ask for help: http://bit.ly/q1MqO1 @JodyHedlund
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