Judul : Twitterific
link : Twitterific
Here are writing links that I’ve posted to Twitter in the last week.
I’m delighted that now we have an efficient method of locating resources on writing topics when you need them—via the Writer’s Knowledge Base search engine and software engineer and writer Mike Fleming’s ingenuity. The links I tweet (which are writers’ blogs, agents’ and editors’ blogs) all are added to the engine to make it easier for you to access the information you’re looking for.
Interested in a monthly newsletter with the top writing articles, blogger spotlights, and interviews with industry insiders? Sign up for the free WKB newsletter here: http://hiveword.com/wkb/newsletter. (You can unsubscribe at any time, and your email information is never shared.)
3 Layers of ‘Layering’ in Fiction: http://bit.ly/hu97Ct
Will They or Won’t They? Plotting With Yes or No Questions: http://bit.ly/igYkCB
Desk Fitness: A Series of 11 Simple Stretches for Writers: http://bit.ly/dGBDIy
An agent on: What the Fiction Editor Looks For: http://bit.ly/gQ0Wna
7 Books on Writing for Every Writer: http://huff.to/hEGNOh
Is Your Procrastination Misdiagnosed? http://bit.ly/fiqaTM
The Art of Handling Criticism Gracefully: http://zenhabits.net/criticism/
Honor Your Readers, Hire an Editor: http://huff.to/hzJjb5
3 Writing Lessons I Learned from an Elementary School Field Trip: http://bit.ly/gNMwDh
Good Cop, Bad Cop of the Digital Future: http://bit.ly/hscKZR
Why you need to make yourself completely unavailable: http://bit.ly/hAfyoE
Query Tips: Knowledge Gleaned From Years of Stalking Agent Blogs: http://bit.ly/eAqQt6 @WriteAngleBlog
How to Get Reviews for Self-Published Books: http://bit.ly/eaR0rN
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: AWFUL FOOD http://bit.ly/fD5bGW @CleoCoyle
It’s just make-believe: http://bit.ly/hmgsoU @rachellynes
Eliminating Often Used Words: http://bit.ly/fUShzy
Magical Words and Amusement Parks: http://bit.ly/dLFR5a
Tools For Writers: 14 Free Alternatives To Microsoft Word: http://bit.ly/fRH5i5 @bubblecow
Some thoughts on mystery reading and writing: http://bit.ly/f1dssc
Dummies guide to publishing an ebook on Amazon Kindle, Barnes and Noble and Smashwords: http://bit.ly/hRAdIg
Creativity Tweets of the Week – 4/1/11: http://bit.ly/hT3wpT @on_creativity
Fear Management for Storytellers: http://bit.ly/ghUw9y
Best Articles This Week for Writers 4/1/11: http://bit.ly/ftdFuv @4kidlit
The most important problem for publishers to solve over the next 10 years: http://bit.ly/gUElZj
Kurt Vonnegut Story Grids for Writing & Editing: http://bit.ly/gmQPCe
A List of Literary Rejections: http://bit.ly/gJgxaA
Establishing An Author Presence on Social Networking Sites: http://bit.ly/i4mHTa
2 sides to motivation: http://bit.ly/fapEor @WriteAngleBlog
Taxes and the Expenses Related to the Business of Writing: http://bit.ly/fbHMkb @hopeclark
Grammar Blip: The Serial Comma: http://bit.ly/g8YV3r @mesummerbooks
Formatting tips for Scrivener 2.x: http://bit.ly/gGQKBc
Publishing expert @janefriedman on the future of publishing http://bit.ly/ibHzVf & her new e-release: http://bit.ly/gbh8Y6
Why Looking at the “Big Picture” Can Be Bad: http://bit.ly/hvUDCa
8 Great Fantasy Cities: http://bit.ly/hMfSzr
Writing the breakout novel: Part 6--voice: http://bit.ly/hk19FB
A look at libraries in crime fiction: http://bit.ly/fLVLyB @mkinberg
Ask Your Characters Some Tough Questions: http://bit.ly/ecpKq7
And The Winner Is ... Brevity: http://bit.ly/fijpVK
An Agent On Why "No" Comes Quickly...But "Yes" Seems to Take Forever: http://bit.ly/gKbj8V
4 Key Self-Publishing Categories: http://bit.ly/dV0DBN
An Erotica Writer's Manifesto: http://bit.ly/fAx3RX @WriteAngleBlog
Of Spatting Gods, Extraordinarily Heavy Laptops, Flights, Quests, Contests, Archetypes, Stuff Like That: http://bit.ly/fkoBaj
Finding the Inspiration to Write: 10 Tips for Immediate Results: http://bit.ly/gT7H9Z
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Ruby Glazed Cornish Hens on warm spinach salad http://bit.ly/fdYS7z @CleoCoyle
10 Steps for Editing Your Own Writing: http://bit.ly/h9evKy
Writers must be resilient enough to handle rejection and long waits: http://bit.ly/hv5xrA @wendypmiller
Published authors offer advice to their pre-published selves: http://bit.ly/gtjitp
How to Leave the Best Comment in the History of the Web: http://bit.ly/hH4yCI
Choose Your Own Adventure—Plotting Solutions When You’re Stuck : http://bit.ly/gvrr92
DIY MFA chats and general info on Twitter chats: http://bit.ly/i2jeTt
10 New Twitter Tools That Will Make Your Life Easier: http://bit.ly/gizYvL
In the Company of Debut Writers: http://bit.ly/fYIf6o
How not to handle bad reviews (Guardian): http://bit.ly/ikAhia
7 Cheat Sheet Resources For Your Blocked Blogging Brain: http://bit.ly/hvB18M
How to speak publisher - B is for Black plate: http://bit.ly/hfjgmX
Search my tweets-- http://dld.bz/KPgS
Real Writers Aren't "Aspiring": http://bit.ly/eSVPgv
A Bucket List for Writers: http://bit.ly/hqZ472
The need for your protagonist to have someone to love and someone to hate: http://bit.ly/hCI3Bl
Writing the breakout novel: : Part 5 - A Vivid Setting: http://bit.ly/gRS18s
Book Marketing: Your Online Press Kit: http://bit.ly/gSgEcn
The Five C’s Of Creating A Likeable Protagonist: http://bit.ly/gkvswX @ajackwriting
4 Useful Twitter Automation Tools and How to Use Them: http://bit.ly/hWOf1F
Getting Started with Barnes & Noble’s Pubit!—A Mini-Tutorial: http://bit.ly/emQuvO
How to Do a Structural Edit on Your Book: http://bit.ly/e1cs4u
How to Write and Publish the (almost) Perfect Book: http://huff.to/fEtSIm
Shhh; When A Reaction To Your Work Really Means: Shut Up! http://bit.ly/hFntin
Your Book Launch: Soft or Hard? http://bit.ly/e1to2n
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Red Potatoes with Cheddar http://bit.ly/ijoiou @CleoCoyle
Finding Something When You've Got Nothing: http://bit.ly/eZ67Ik
Plotting Method: The Blind Men and the Elephant: http://bit.ly/g5KPKF
5 signs you left your heart on your pages: http://bit.ly/fVsAEO
Just Say No to Everyone But the Voices in Your Head: http://huff.to/e6NTUo
Social Media for Authors: Start Slow: http://bit.ly/gHsWyY
How to Create an e-Book in 7 steps: http://bit.ly/gCygFW
Three Story Skills that Self-Published Novelists Need: http://bit.ly/hDoQBE
4 Links To Overcome Publishing Despair: http://bit.ly/ecLyZP
3 ways to know your novel’s great before you even write it: http://bit.ly/fN2yA1 @jammer0501
Top 10 hashtags for writers on Twitter: http://bit.ly/i3kFpy & some for fun: http://bit.ly/gXr8JK
5 Tips for Writing Better Settings: http://bit.ly/fX12OJ
The 4 Cs of Grading Your Story Like a Diamond: http://bit.ly/eDrIzl
The 10 Commandments of the Successful Author: http://bit.ly/h10F7e
Traditional vs. Self Publishing: How Much Does the Debate Matter? http://bit.ly/eG2GBz #jamigold
7 tips for rising above rejection: http://bit.ly/eRurEa
Writing the breakout novel: Part 4 - A Deeply Felt Theme: http://bit.ly/fXAyy0
How to Increase Your Novel’s Word Count: http://bit.ly/fGPuQ5
Standing up for libraries: http://bit.ly/fSgRX9
The Editor’s Hat – 11 Tips for Your Second Draft: http://bit.ly/idjFBc
Breakdown of a terrific first chapter: http://bit.ly/hpzMma
The Path to Publication: http://bit.ly/dYcqTf
7 Questionable, Yet Widely Accepted Devices in SciFi: http://bit.ly/i7SM2x
What's it like going to the iPad2 release? http://bit.ly/g28qx0 @ipadgirl
Creative Confidence: http://bit.ly/f1434O
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Quick Bacon and Mushroom Pasta http://bit.ly/hteo3F @CleoCoyle
How to Write Faster Prose (And Why): http://bit.ly/ervbti
Building your fantasy world – Fantasy Creatures part 3: http://bit.ly/gXhSy0
Story Structure vs Voice in YA: http://bit.ly/g5WPaW
Creating a Steampunk World is Not as Easy as It Might Seem: http://bit.ly/gfGeck
Foolproof Ways to Attract Your First 1,000 Blog Subscribers: http://bit.ly/hUxGl6
Mystery Writer's Guide To Forensic Science - Collecting Evidence VII: http://bit.ly/eVrOKR @clarissadraper
Quick and Dirty World Building: http://bit.ly/htvm8b
Spring Forward! 5 Writing Exercises to Season The Poetic Muse: http://bit.ly/gX2PVd
Deep POV: http://bloodredpencil.blogspot.com/2011/03/deep-point-of-view-part-two.html
What were this month's most popular writing articles? Sign up for the monthly WKB newsletter for links & interviews: http://bit.ly/gx7hg1
Tips for chapter writing: http://bit.ly/eX52ds
4 ways to use the Myers-Briggs personality types in your novels: http://bit.ly/fyRZWL @p2p_editor
8 Keys to Self-Publishing Success: http://bit.ly/gjufWx
Self-Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing: Which Way Will You Make More Money? http://bit.ly/dKIGKD
Do you love your characters enough to torture them? http://bit.ly/heXPVf @authorterryo
Thoughts on whether writers should write to a genre or "dumb down" their books, if requested: http://bit.ly/gWs9iQ
Visuals of our characters: http://bit.ly/f3ZFfD
Surviving Edits in 12 Easy Steps – advice from an editor: http://bit.ly/idka3D
10 Reasons Writers Might Drink: http://bit.ly/gjlfWD @elspethwrites
4 things not to do at an agent panel: http://bit.ly/gOi305
You THINK it’s on the Page, but … NOT! (Making sure our writing is clear for our readers): http://bit.ly/hUxbSY
The Beauty of Things Unsaid (Advice for the 2nd Draft): http://bit.ly/g0iK2f
Writing the breakout novel: Part 3 - A High Stakes Plot: http://bit.ly/hjw4SO
What exactly goes into Act I anyway? http://bit.ly/h3qKbA
10 Steps to Secure Your WordPress Blog From Hackers: http://bit.ly/fIfjzy
10 Reasons Why You Should be Blogging: http://bit.ly/hICrU0
6 Reasons Google Books Failed (NY Review of Books): http://bit.ly/g7vyEk
Avoiding the conditional in our writing: http://bit.ly/gM0aVg
Info on and tips for the RWA National conference: http://bit.ly/eJ0Pc9
Interview with Mark Coker, Creator of Smashwords: http://bit.ly/gFRZ3o
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Maple Madness: Smoky-Sweet Maple Vinaigrette from Cleo Coyle http://bit.ly/gfU1VT @CleoCoyle
A gift to the muse: http://bit.ly/f2MGqM
In praise of crummy day jobs: http://bit.ly/dJNcJq
Introducing the villain: http://bit.ly/eSQmvV
What one writer has learned from judging writing contests: http://bit.ly/honTuF
Resource roundup for historical fiction: http://bit.ly/dLOQwO
How to form a quick revision list for your weaknesses: http://bit.ly/eGDxSl
Tips for restless writers: http://bit.ly/fojZJt
Building a Magic System for Your World: http://bit.ly/e8wsnl
10 steps for growing novel-sized story ideas: http://bit.ly/fIgFTP
The Death of the New York Times Book Review? http://huff.to/eBU56v
The #scriptfrenzy challenge--30 days. 100 pages. Held during April. Info: http://bit.ly/fOOucc and daily inspiration: http://bit.ly/ez57jE
Like With Like = Great Story Flow: http://bit.ly/h2UDs0
A Million Ways Not to Write a Book: http://bit.ly/eKWDSR
Have faith – there is a book at the end of the tunnel: http://bit.ly/fLKh5X
Writing the breakout novel: Part 2 - Larger-than-life characters: http://bit.ly/hbDBpB
Should writers follow screenwriting tricks? http://bit.ly/fjhveY
Tips for writing sequels: http://bit.ly/fPKxLB
Recap of a forensics panel from the Left Coast Crime conference: http://bit.ly/ezYgC8 @authorterryo
10 Lessons One Writer Learned From Her Dog: http://bit.ly/eMmMkQ
Self-Publishing: Carnival of the Indies: http://bit.ly/f54b3U
Why Writers Should Take Their Own Advice: http://bit.ly/esRFrg
What’s the Use In Writing? More Than You Think: http://bit.ly/gyN77B
Becoming a Freelance Writer? 10 Keys to a Busy Writing Career: http://bit.ly/hbE31d
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Carrot Purée http://bit.ly/eDTcyL @CleoCoyle
An agent's list of pet peeves: http://bit.ly/dFeVhe
Rules for Short, Effective Emails (writers usually get this concept...but nice to forward to friends who don't) :) http://bit.ly/efOSm3
For scriptwriters--Loglines and how to write them: http://bit.ly/eb0YDV
How to Enrich Your Descriptions: http://bit.ly/dZ26Zo
Top 50 Literary Magazines: http://bit.ly/g3ggIC
How To Deal With Rejection: http://bit.ly/hDDJNU
Key Story Elements: Opening Image: http://bit.ly/fNta7F
Self-Promotion as an Act of Generosity: http://bit.ly/emaW5d
Twitterific--the week in tweets: http://bit.ly/gUo3EJ
How to Become a Copy Editor: http://bit.ly/dX6MVx
The 5 best unfollow apps and why you should use them: http://bit.ly/g12KvQ
The Case of the Best-Selling Author (Mary Higgins Clark--WSJ): http://on.wsj.com/eZGKg0
Royalty-free music for book trailers: http://bit.ly/eYxFr2
Write Scenes Rather Than Reports: http://bit.ly/fhUizi
Subconscious Storytelling: http://bit.ly/hSkfY6 #amrwiting @storiestorm
21 Excuses for Why Your Novel Isn’t Finished Yet: http://bit.ly/dOHYNe
Writing a breakout novel: Part 1 – An Inspired Concept: http://bit.ly/hhUWxo
Creating the best-worst character. Do you need to? http://bit.ly/eeDCIB
How to Organize a Writers’ Night. Loosely. http://bit.ly/dIuVAV
Authors reveal the secrets of their craft (Guardian): http://bit.ly/i1ukfy
WriterDesign: Domain & Web Hosting: http://bit.ly/f2wU5n
The Essential Zen Habits of 2010: http://zenhabits.net/zh2010/
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Welcome Guest Blogger - Libby Fischer Hellmann! http://bit.ly/gEIVQT @CleoCoyle
5 Ways Romance Can Enhance Your YA Story: http://bit.ly/f0zXXI
Storytelling for Business Bloggers: http://bit.ly/h09WNL @victoriamixon
How To Fill Out Flat Secondary Characters: http://bit.ly/g8CdWq @ajackwriting
How to Write Horror: http://bit.ly/eRh2cL
Want to get up earlier to write? 25 Ways To Wake Up Early: http://bit.ly/fcFLEK
Now with over 7000 links to help #writers find resources: http://bit.ly/dYRayA
Pouring Cold Water on the Kindle-ing: http://bit.ly/gq5nFm
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