Judul : Twitterific
link : Twitterific
Below are writing links that I’ve posted to Twitter in the past week. I’m running the list a day early because tomorrow I’m visiting Anne Allen’s blog. :)
Enter this month’s WKB giveaway for a chance to win the "Butt-in-Chair" writer productivity eBook by Jennifer Blanchard.
Two copies to give away! Enter the drawing
My Thursday guest, Jeannie Campbell, from The Character Therapist blog, is giving away a copy of “The Writer’s Guide for Creating Rich Back Stories”---comment through midnight ET tonight for a chance to win. Click here and scroll to the bottom of the post.
Finger Lickin’ Dead Giveaway: I’m giving away an autographed copy of Finger Lickin’ Dead—details here. Several days left in my contest. :)
And here are this week’s links:
Best Articles This Week for Writers 6/10/11: http://bit.ly/k4j3Q6 @4kidlit
How Do You Choose Blog Topics? http://bit.ly/kSipOq @JamiGold
The 10 Most Powerful Women Authors (Forbes): http://onforb.es/kmcqPc
Write your novel in 30 days--Day 3: Getting your ducks in a row: http://bit.ly/jH2LLf @Mommy_Authors
Trading Excerpts with Other Authors in the Back Matter of Your Ebook: http://bit.ly/jqNnf0
On Story Arcs: http://bit.ly/lsSw8o
Write Your Query FIRST for a Better Book: http://bit.ly/kUfGL4
Edit in an Instant? Ain’t Gonna Happen: http://bit.ly/iTZfJA
It's a Start: The First Line: http://bit.ly/jUyKKd
5 ways to screw up your author podcast: http://bit.ly/iInClc
Yoga for Writers: http://bit.ly/msLXdV
5 Articles on Knowing When to Submit: http://bit.ly/jJj4jH
5 Tips to Stay Encouraged During Querying: http://bit.ly/jYaZKg
Publishing Traditionally Without an Agent - Part II: http://bit.ly/kS9LzN
Amateur-Hour Books: Do You Know the Warning Signs? http://bit.ly/lGkJud
Working Within a Critique Group: http://bit.ly/jaMeRJ
Did You Know? Twitter Hashtags & How to Use Them: http://bit.ly/kETg19 @JanetBoyer
My "Finger Lickin' Dead" release and a chance to win it: http://bit.ly/jy9s1J
The Art of Keeping Your Blog Audience Coming Back for More: http://bit.ly/lrWX8C
Why writing a sleuthing have a lot in common: http://bit.ly/keR6wt @mkinberg
All About Glosses, or Brief Definitions: http://bit.ly/kyicNq
Writing time-management for the harried home-writer: http://bit.ly/kN2aL7
Making thrillers out of classics: adapting Shakespeare's Macbeth: http://bit.ly/mNvEcD
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Black and Blue Burgers http://bit.ly/kKnc5t
Things one writer has learned after completing his 1st draft: http://bit.ly/jJWJxX @JustusRStone
Beware These Writing Pests: http://bit.ly/jT9RD3
The elusive rewards of e-book publishing: http://bit.ly/kpewmT
8 Ways to Develop Better Relationships with Book Bloggers: http://bit.ly/lH1Zn2
The Difference Between Traditional Publishing & Self-Publishing: http://bit.ly/l9FZWG
Write a novel in 30 days--day2--drafting scene cards: http://bit.ly/mnzng6 @Mommy_Authors
Ultimate Blogger’s Guide to Search Engine Optimization: http://bit.ly/kkF8PB #amwrting
Man Up: Writing Male POV: http://bit.ly/mSGiUG
Rhythm and Time: Give Your Writing a Beat of Its Own: http://bit.ly/kKl1H8
Actions vs Choices: Crafting Better Plots: http://bit.ly/lv49aR
Mystery writers--create red herrings through scapegoating: http://bit.ly/ip9lhM @jeanniecampbell
Writing for Two Publishers: http://bit.ly/kz7an6
6 tips for friends of mystery writers: http://bit.ly/iHX0zW @MasonCanyon
How idioms and metaphors bring your world to life: http://bit.ly/mOd5PS @JulietteWade
A publishing insider with a market update: http://bit.ly/lEy034
Free e-book on building readership: http://bit.ly/ke08hh @JaneFriedman
Before You Hire an Editor: http://bit.ly/lF7vTY @MuseInks
An agent on the all-important beginning: http://bit.ly/kF0LBR
When Bad Things Happen To Productive People: http://bit.ly/kRazAq
3 things 1 writer learned about writing at Disney World: http://bit.ly/iI9ott
Your characters shouldn't be bored: http://bit.ly/lRTyTk
How to Promote Yourself and Your Book: http://bit.ly/iU4Ymr
Direct Messages & The Power of Positive Tweeting: http://bit.ly/mSp5z6
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: To Havarti and to Hold http://bit.ly/mjJM8F
The Rewards of Writing for the Reader: http://bit.ly/ihNi4o @keligwyn
5 Fluctuating Forms of Gender-Specific Language: http://bit.ly/kz2QdD
101 Twitter Tips: http://bit.ly/mn0Wx6
Writers Need a Web Presence. Here’s What That Means: http://bit.ly/jUQB3A
Conflict: the fuel of a story: http://bit.ly/kzsu12
Write a novel in 30 days--day 1--get to your novel's core: http://bit.ly/lYZvki @Mommy_Authors
Should you have a pen name? http://bit.ly/lWPM1k @JamiGold
Checklist for Editors: http://bit.ly/lUdBoV
How Much Of Good Writing Is In The Timing? http://bit.ly/lZHS6Z @storiestorm
Exercise Your “What-if” Muscle: http://bit.ly/k8zJbi @jhansenwrites
8 ways to keep your series from going stale: http://bit.ly/jFLMCJ @mkinberg
Slush Pile Triage: http://bit.ly/iScBmW @literaticat
Author-Agent Speed Dating Service: http://bit.ly/kyIcQa
The Persistent and Damaging Myth About Introverts and Marketing: http://bit.ly/k0n0Ao @janefriedman
A crash course on point of view: http://bit.ly/mgxAuc @Paize_Fiddler
How to read a script: http://bit.ly/jYWNZy
Editing For Self-Publishers: http://bit.ly/lWsnwW
10 Signs You Met Your Deadline: http://bit.ly/k8Xb0M @elspethwrites
5 examples of poorly-written sentences made better: http://bit.ly/mkicu7
An explanation of show, don't tell: http://bit.ly/ktZXbA
Quick tips on finding an editor: http://bit.ly/mxbCWx
Ignoring the Light in YA Fiction: http://bit.ly/kO8cam
Good day sunshine for writers: http://bit.ly/mNlQw6
Warning signs of an idiot plot: http://bit.ly/mAZ9Ri
6 Easy Ways to Get Your Guest Post Rejected: http://bit.ly/jUp8IO
How Honest Should We Be With Each Other? http://bit.ly/llqSND
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: An Easy, Finger Lickin’ Southern Side—Pimento Cheese http://bit.ly/luVHZ3
Can't vs. Won't: http://bit.ly/l8PQsD
How to Overcome Perfectionist Tendencies as a Writer: http://bit.ly/izDfJE
Get the Best Bang for Your Blog: http://bit.ly/mAtFrx
How to Write a Scary Scene: http://bit.ly/kffTxM
Creating a Cover: Finding Models: http://bit.ly/kIcktb @camillelaguire
A bad book? No, it’s a good book you haven’t fixed yet: http://bit.ly/jo3ajo @DirtyWhiteCandy
Subplots--Where To Find Them and How To Use Them: http://bit.ly/lD7c3d
What's for supper at the Mystery Lovers' Kitchen? Cleo Coyle’s Bourbon-Berry "Coffeehouse"Rib BBQ : http://bit.ly/kjt0bl
Internalization 101: http://bit.ly/iNfovN
Writer’s Conferences—Are They Relevant in the Internet Age? http://bit.ly/iN7Hvu @annerallen
An Agent Says: "Please Don’t Serial Query." http://bit.ly/lduU4N
What to look for in an agent: http://bit.ly/ifNvAM @JulieMusil
Promoting Your Book: The Dos and Don’ts of Being a Great Interviewee: http://bit.ly/jgRXgJ
Writing. It’s Hard. http://bit.ly/lNf9lu @BTMargins
4 Ways to Make the Most of a Critique Group: http://bit.ly/lHBRpv @janefriedman
Make Your Bookshelf Work for You: http://bit.ly/kG3bir @jhansenwrites
Why perfectionism is so totally overrated: http://bit.ly/jzeBgS
My book releases today! Kindle: http://amzn.to/kh7MAp Print: http://amzn.to/lfUE2N A review: http://bit.ly/lazEjf . Thanks y'all.
How to Plot Wrong, in 3 Easy Steps: http://bit.ly/iPOXef @victoriamixon
The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Marketing: http://bit.ly/jsrdBb
Walking in a Character’s Shoes: http://bit.ly/mM8yUk @keligwyn
On "Be" Verbs: http://bit.ly/jCxnJR
Thanks for this review of my new release, @HartJohnson! http://bit.ly/m2Qcr2
6 Easy Networking Tips for Introverts/Writers at Conferences or Events: http://bit.ly/mABvTw
How To Make Your Posts Facebook Friendly: http://bit.ly/iRqsb1
Abstracting the Antithesis: http://bit.ly/kOk8mh
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: 2 Contests, 3 Releases, and 1 Drool-Worthy BBQ Party for Riley, Julie, and Wendy! http://bit.ly/kjt0bl
Syntax and Flow (Should we learn linguistics in school?) http://bit.ly/kqtgsN
How Independent Bookstores Can Use Google & Groupon: http://bit.ly/llGXel
Using Twitter to promote your blog: http://bit.ly/juDUMP
How long should you wait to write a sequel? http://bit.ly/lnTjsX
Just because it's true doesn't make it good: http://bit.ly/kpxNoA @authorterryo
Why You Should Keep Hard Copies of Your Writings: http://bit.ly/m7HgT5
A Novel Approach To Marketing = Authenticity: http://bit.ly/ieNTif @joanswan
Openings that annoy: http://bit.ly/ipaoXI
What the heck's historical about it, anyway? http://bit.ly/mqpK3k
7 ways to write more when you're already at maximum: http://bit.ly/l3QJIN
Should You Use RT or the Retweet Button on Twitter? http://bit.ly/luUaRh
What If You Think You Might Be a Mediocre Fiction Writer? http://bit.ly/lv1I5s
Conflict = Tension = Emotion: Part 1-- http://bit.ly/inwstX Part 2-- http://bit.ly/mwUkqe
Archetype vs. Stereotype: http://bit.ly/jQWToO
3 multitasking tips for swamped writers: http://bit.ly/jBl8DJ
Are you setting summer goals? http://bit.ly/iuFTCp
Querying a Collaboration: http://bit.ly/kB0KCt
Tips on Pitching your Manuscript: http://bit.ly/jZNrcz
25 Ways for Writers to Take Action: http://bit.ly/mzCsJW
Finding your voice: http://bit.ly/lamyHJ
5 Pairs of Compound Words, and How They’re Compounded: http://bit.ly/my6QG6
Feedback that dramatically changed writers' stories: http://bit.ly/jNQZph
Tools To Promote Your Author Blog: http://bit.ly/m8awW4 @galleycat
Publishing On The Kindle: Top Tips: http://bit.ly/ifzuwR @thecreativepenn
Should you sign an agency agreement?: http://bit.ly/lhS3Ii
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Blueberry Mango Muffins http://bit.ly/iEpECv
Tackling the Synopsis: http://bit.ly/iKvPJn
How to rise above cliche: http://bit.ly/iPHQqc @LauraPauling
The 5 Secrets of Great Storytelling: http://bit.ly/mG2nj0
Should you only send queries to your A-list of agents first? http://bit.ly/kSc3Tz
How 1 writer got her agent: http://bit.ly/j3Cch1
A deconstruction of "The Help," with a focus on plot structure: http://bit.ly/korXPe
Empathy and characterization: http://bit.ly/li4XEi
How writing is like Interior Design: http://bit.ly/iXhtaz
What Writers Mean by "Flow": http://bit.ly/lboLZ9
You Have Your Elevator Pitches, Now What? http://bit.ly/mq1QT0
Sane and solo: 20 tips for people who work at home: http://bit.ly/jVZlLC
The Little Extras That Will Make an Editor Love Your Query: http://bit.ly/iFC6Kn
The end of bookstores? (National Post): http://natpo.st/jRaD4k
The Opening Chapter: http://bit.ly/iDdOwH
What not to do as a writer: run: http://bit.ly/kyFXoq
A Short Course in Line Editing: http://bit.ly/lhbrZ5
How to Make YA Fiction More Diverse (The Atlantic) : http://bit.ly/mvNPV1
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: And then there was the time she put sugar in her salt shaker ... http://bit.ly/jTO0B8
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