Judul : Twitterific
link : Twitterific
Here are writing links that I’ve posted to Twitter in the last week.
I’m delighted that now we have an efficient method of locating resources on writing topics when you need them—via the Writer’s Knowledge Base search engine and software engineer and writer Mike Fleming’s ingenuity. The links I tweet (which are writers’ blogs, agents’ and editors’ blogs) all are added to the engine to make it easier for you to access the information you’re looking for.
Interested in a monthly newsletter with the top writing articles, blogger spotlights, and interviews with industry insiders? Sign up for the free WKB newsletter here: http://hiveword.com/wkb/newsletter. (You can unsubscribe at any time, and your email information is never shared.)
4 distinct levels of competence in writing: http://bit.ly/fyLeBI
Would You Ever Turn Down a Contract? http://bit.ly/igiyeh @jamigold
Find the scriptwriters in your neighborhood: http://bit.ly/hTvynG
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Is there anything an egg can't do? http://bit.ly/eqv923
A few follies of Writerhood: http://bit.ly/eBoPnP
Thoughts on microfiction dark twist stories: http://bit.ly/exeXkc @camillelaguire
Quick public speaking tip : http://bit.ly/i9YH7u
Google alerts--how to set them up and why you need them: http://bit.ly/g98cbG @spunkonastick
Creativity Tweets of the Week – 4/8/11: http://bit.ly/ekqBCq @on_creativity
Plotbot Streamlines Scriptwriting: http://bit.ly/hrMeDu
Keep Characters True To Themselves: http://bit.ly/eYJprM
Best Articles This Week for Writers 4/8/11: http://bit.ly/ibSgYK @4kidlit
Proper Use of The Colon: http://bit.ly/g02QjC
Can Karma Help You Become a Better Writer? http://bit.ly/gRi9bt @jamigold
5 ways to see your manuscript with new eyes. http://bit.ly/ghtzJx @4kidlit
Want High Stakes? Amp up the Stress: http://bit.ly/fbnivd
5 revision tricks: http://bit.ly/ehQhhI
Do characters really need to be likeable? Maybe not: http://bit.ly/ijOx24 @JulietteWade
How to Find the Guts to Take a Leap: http://bit.ly/e4uYOx
An agent says: "Think of me as a conduit, not a gatekeeper." http://bit.ly/fHFi17 @jennybent
How to Survive a Writers Conference: Dos and Don’ts to making it out alive: http://bit.ly/dR3trb
This #FF follow these 12 Tweeters on Twitter http://exm.nr/eFctGl @SheWritesaLot
5 First Draft Tips: http://bit.ly/fxPRyK
Why readers buy books (and how to promote to these readers): http://bit.ly/ebYFjW
Why Agents Take So Long To Get Back To You: http://bit.ly/hdTe3L
Scriptwriters, know your story: http://bit.ly/i2HWZb
Top 5 Writing Tools: http://bit.ly/eiIz68
7 Overused Blog Habits That Look Amateurish: http://bit.ly/hmZZ3F
7 ways freelancers can make clients happy: http://bit.ly/ehJo7t
7 R’s of Positivity for the Unpublished Novelist: http://bit.ly/f169Vo
The challenge of writing humor: http://bit.ly/faS5MM @alanorloff @mkinberg
7 Tips to sell your book on Kindle: http://bit.ly/gZNfz6
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Artichoke Dip inspired by Rick Bayless http://bit.ly/etBOLY
If I build it, will they come? http://bit.ly/hZWOww @authorguy
Morning Pages Experiment: One Year Later: http://bit.ly/fOwOBl
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: And the winner of the cheese knife is... http://bit.ly/hwxwb6
6 Reasons Why Romance Rocks: http://bit.ly/gnK01b @writeangleblog
Romantic comedy truisms: http://bit.ly/gBBX2P
The Better Mash-Up: An Exoneration of a New Literary Genre: http://bit.ly/g3KWjl
Worldbuilding Considerations Part One -- Setting: http://bit.ly/gH4jWN
Borders Plan for Recovery Is Described as Doubtful (NY Times): http://nyti.ms/h8CemJ
Not every writer enjoys a writing group: http://bit.ly/hV6Zsu
Description--Gestures and action tags: http://bit.ly/fnuzC1
5 Things a Bad Dog Can Teach You About Writing Good Copy: http://bit.ly/fXJjlc
The Right Time for a Critique Group: http://bit.ly/eN9XfL
A look at literary assistants: http://bit.ly/esYe9T
How Can Authors Reach (Non-Writer) Readers Online? http://bit.ly/grvAXC
Top 6 movies about writers: http://bit.ly/hd5YEr @cristinterrill
Talking plot: http://bit.ly/gBNAia @dirtywhitecandy @victoriamixon
Putting our characters in their place: http://bit.ly/hk32GQ
Kindle: http://huff.to/dV54m5
Writing book acknowledgments: http://bit.ly/hFcY03
67 Things to Remember When Writing: http://bit.ly/gpxlUP @cristinterrill
Orienting by marking insiders vs. outsiders: http://bit.ly/gtEuJp
Reading your novel backwards: http://bit.ly/fVFV7V
How to have an impressive book signing: http://workingwritersandbloggers.com/2011/04/06/how-to-have-a-book-signing-like-t-c-boyle/
Sculpting character: http://bit.ly/h0GFgj
4 Ways to Make Your Writing Schedule Work: http://bit.ly/fn2vAf
Finding Your Voice: http://bit.ly/gLBEdv
Revising by Color: http://bit.ly/ekuFgE
The Old-School Content Marketing Strategy That Scores Freelance Writing Clients: http://bit.ly/dFG68x
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: San Simon Prosciutto Appetizers http://bit.ly/hy2QR9
Story Structure - Four Acts in Erotic Romance: http://bit.ly/dFg1VS @SaschaIllyvich
10 tips for a great story: http://bit.ly/hrZvXB @SanguMandanna
Why Writer Friends Are Crucial: http://bit.ly/gRPHIu @4kidlit
Tips for realistically capturing a crisis: http://bit.ly/hZQDR1 @bluemaven
Think like a publisher--all about covers: http://bit.ly/gQ7Ljy
Self-editing checklist--consistency: http://bit.ly/hZ0o0p
Your Better Half: What Happens When One POV is Better? http://bit.ly/hvFk7m
3 Barriers You Must Eliminate to Maximize E-Book Sales: http://bit.ly/hEbl0K
Subtext: The Most Critical Tool in the Storyteller’s Box: http://bit.ly/hwgMLc
TADA Method of Studying Character: http://bit.ly/fEiGpk
The Writer's Bane: Describing a Character's Physical Appearance: http://bit.ly/hhkFem
Are You Ready To Query? http://bit.ly/hWWvOe @writeangleblog
Why mechanics matter: http://bit.ly/ihIKEJ @ajackwriting
Acting lessons for writers--vulnerability: http://bit.ly/hJmshG @cristinterrill
Conference Surprises--Ah ha moments from SCBWI: http://bit.ly/dI0lts @WriteAngleBlog
Deliver the Payoff: http://bit.ly/gQDQbf
How to get your book reviewed – by avoiding book reviewers: http://bit.ly/ijOQpU
5 Ways to Make the Most of A Small Blog Audience: http://bit.ly/ijtMJH
How to write cool literature: http://bit.ly/glcFPj
The Learning Sequence and Why It Matters to Nonfiction Authors: http://bit.ly/hMVS80
Why Most Writers Are Blind to Their Own Faults: http://bit.ly/fnqpyV
The signs of a good independent editor: http://bit.ly/f3M7uw @victoriamixon
10 Tools for Author Success, #1 Have a Plan: http://bit.ly/gp1Tqe @SaschaIllyvich
Polishing Your Manuscript: Beyond the First Pages: http://bit.ly/gSJ4OM @yahighway
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Spaghetti and Meatballs—With Chili http://bit.ly/guDrer
Simple tips for the Christian writer: http://bit.ly/dKrrka
40 Questions You Need to Ask Every Copywriting Client: http://bit.ly/fZ2CS8
Mystery Writer's Guide To Forensic Science - DNA Profiling: http://bit.ly/hBOkur @clarissadraper
Survival Tips for the Newbie Writer: http://huff.to/dIEJRk
10 signs you're *not* in the writing zone: http://bit.ly/gDWcgI @elspethwrites
Past tense or present tense? http://bit.ly/f1OZtQ
Advice for Amanda Hocking from authors and agents: http://bit.ly/hVAtCX
Bring attention to your books with promo items: http://bit.ly/ho5C5I
What were this month's most popular writing articles? Sign up for the monthly WKB newsletter for links & interviews: http://bit.ly/gx7hg1
Bringing Out Emotions in Your Scene: http://bit.ly/fM4OeP
Things to do after getting an agent: http://bit.ly/erK6tS
Description 911: Over Expressed Emotions: http://bit.ly/eMeiq8
Why Understanding Conflict Will Make You A Better Writer: http://bit.ly/gw0aMY @bubblecow
Back to basics--writing to a certain length: http://bit.ly/fugsVe
6 Benefits of Agent Representation: http://bit.ly/gQ2ZRz @writeangleblog
Acting lessons for writers--physicality: http://bit.ly/gra6KM @cristinterrill
Preparing for a book club talk: http://bit.ly/egJO7d
3 Questions to Ask Before You Jump on the Indie Publishing Bandwagon: http://bit.ly/hHyTs8
Writing battles: http://bit.ly/haQVwE
4 Ways to Avoid the Pitfalls of a Writer’s Solitude: http://bit.ly/hdIdbq
Ambiguity and Anchoring in Fantasy Contexts: http://bit.ly/if9K4S
Think Like A Publisher #5… Some Basics on Production: http://bit.ly/ecwIBy
4 questions to ask about eccentric characters: http://bit.ly/hSYvB3 @flawritersconf
Busted!—Janet Fitch and her unlikable character, Part 2: http://bit.ly/hnnEJz
The new rules for self-publishing: http://bit.ly/ehzTx3
National Poetry Month: http://bit.ly/gHXzGI
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Supernatural Sticky Wings from Cleo Coyle http://bit.ly/hEJ268
Lemmings are cute, but sometimes they just don't think: http://bit.ly/efLCKE @hopeclark
Time to Unclutter Your Manuscript? http://bit.ly/dX166U
I See No Possible Way How This Incredible Cover Letter Could Ever Fail: http://bit.ly/fLXwiI
Never "just description": making description subjective: http://bit.ly/hJ0aWF
5 Writing Tools to Carry in a Conspiring Universe: http://bit.ly/hzefIS
Tiny beginnings--how one writer starts a novel: http://bit.ly/fmzunT
Exploring an Issue for Coherence: http://bit.ly/gekpmw
On creating your press kit: http://bit.ly/hEu6Lq
7 Microsoft Word tricks for writers: http://bit.ly/hvFilv
Paragraphs past and present: http://bit.ly/gz929p
Put your secondary world to the test: http://bit.ly/eraVlN
Agent research: http://bit.ly/fxC1I4 @WriteAngleBlog
How To Create Sympathetic Characters: http://bit.ly/dPfmfd
7 Dos and 7 Don’ts for New Bloggers: http://bit.ly/fpoJwP
New ways to read blog posts: http://bit.ly/dJwkda
Writing for Survival: http://bit.ly/dLabYE
The Secret of Subtext: http://bit.ly/fmDPkB
5 Ways to Persevere Through Blogging Slumps: http://bit.ly/hbPoXE
Freelance writing jobs: Top 10 places to find quality work: http://bit.ly/fX7Ds8
Self-Publishing: 9 Things To Know Before You Make the Leap: http://bit.ly/gCQq6d
4 Top Book Formatting Mistakes to Avoid: http://bit.ly/eA7GuH
Aliens on book covers--human fears transferred into depictions of extraterrestrials: http://bit.ly/egS51V
10 of the best teeth in literature (Guardian): http://bit.ly/f2KIWr
WriterDesign: Installing WordPress: http://bit.ly/epkfpV
Best underground lairs in SF and Fantasy: http://on.io9.com/g5FiFh
The Difference Between Copyediting and Proofreading: http://bit.ly/fMdwYz
What your 1st love and your 1st book have in common: http://bit.ly/dS8F68
Setting in tone: http://bit.ly/fFNIai
3 Reasons Your Blogging Resolutions Are Doomed to Fail: http://bit.ly/eJMKWk
How to launch any product (incl. books) using social media: http://on.mash.to/gb3MPL
A writer on what being a published author is like (and what's surprised her): http://bit.ly/e7mjfb
The Ubiquitous, Wandering It: http://bit.ly/fT0XXo
What You Need to Write Right: http://bit.ly/gaDJnJ
Wanted: One Character Willing to Work With No Questions Asked: http://bit.ly/eJsPxL
Preparing for publication: writing your book's premise and synopsis: http://bit.ly/hML4P7
Sustaining curiosity: http://bit.ly/es8wRl @RavenRequiem13
Wanna be a writer… need credibility: http://bit.ly/eCfWjo @mjcache
Are You Ready To Query? http://bit.ly/hWWvOe @WriteAngleBlog
Yes, I Am Original! http://bit.ly/gVlGgD @ellaschwartz
Tips for Writer's Block: http://bit.ly/dQUfWy @WriteTime2
For Career Authors, Staying Published is the Real Challenge: http://huff.to/hjbiGg
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: The 1,200 Calorie Nightmare http://bit.ly/hRepim
Getting the most from a writer's conference: http://bit.ly/hWFvmi
Hitting it big and how to do it: http://bit.ly/hd8NdJ
Avoid the Poison Apple: http://bit.ly/fVovu1
Nice weekly roundup for historical writers: http://bit.ly/h2emXA @2nerdyhistgirls
How To Stop Your Creative Muse Walking Out And Cheating On You: http://bit.ly/eWFjxz
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