Judul : Twitterific
link : Twitterific
Here are writing links that I’ve posted to Twitter in the last week.
I’m delighted that now we have an efficient method of locating resources on writing topics when you need them—via the Writer’s Knowledge Base search engine and software engineer and writer Mike Fleming’s ingenuity. The links I tweet (which are writers’ blogs, agents’ and editors’ blogs) all are added to the engine to make it easier for you to access the information you’re looking for.
Interested in a monthly newsletter with the top writing articles, blogger spotlights, and interviews with industry insiders? Sign up for the free WKB newsletter here: http://hiveword.com/wkb/newsletter. (You can unsubscribe at any time, and your email information is never shared.)
How to Punctuate Dialogue in Novels and Short Stories: http://bit.ly/h0EnDm
An editor on show and tell: http://bit.ly/hBIFiJ
Use a character web to track your characters: http://bit.ly/hCLgoI
3 types of secondary characters: http://bit.ly/fCq6cp
17 Places to Get Headline Ideas: http://bit.ly/edroWD
Description 101: Is Your Description Helping Your Story or Holding it Back? http://bit.ly/dEcdw9
How one writer's nonfiction project came to life: http://bit.ly/gQFQps
What No Writer Should Ignore - Their Health: http://bit.ly/hWnm02
3 Guidelines for Creating a Title with Shelf Appeal: http://bit.ly/e30ua2
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: IRISH STEW http://bit.ly/gAiEfm @CleoCoyle
On Epistolary Novels: http://bit.ly/ewGLvd
On motivation: http://bit.ly/dH9RF7
Writer/editor @JaneFriedman 's thoughts on drinking + life + writing: http://bit.ly/dQCLXV
Types of writing warm-ups: http://bit.ly/dMBEJ5
The Armchair BEA: http://bit.ly/hKfWtH
Character traits instead of physical descriptions to identify characters & writing prompts for warm ups: http://bit.ly/eME5Yj @writeprompts
Turning Short Stories Into A Novel: http://bit.ly/fC4Jdr
50 Ways to Dodge The Blog Burnout Sucker Punch: http://bit.ly/eTbDPl
My Story Got Workshopped. Now What? http://bit.ly/hsKtbl
On conflict and the amount to have in your story: http://bit.ly/eRoy4G
Who’s Misusing Whose? http://bit.ly/fdP2l5
Scenes that do double-duty. Or when your characters need to unionize: http://bit.ly/e9KXwl
Making Writing Your Business: Specifying Actions: http://bit.ly/gzYwSe
Tips for writing a travel memoir: http://bit.ly/gJuc9C
Get control of your characters: http://bit.ly/glAotz
Read, read, read – and why you should: http://bit.ly/h5duUN
5 things stand-up comedians can teach you about self-publishing: http://bit.ly/fG4xbk
The role of memory in crime fiction: http://bit.ly/fg7j8y @mkinberg
A Defense of Traditional Publishing: http://bit.ly/fFMZUr
For Earth Day: 7 Ways to be a Green Writer: http://bit.ly/hoT4px @LauraMarcella
Ways for Writers to Stay Fit: http://bit.ly/hbJR9Y
The Skill List Project: Viewpoint and Story Experience: http://bit.ly/g8iwOY
Slow Blogging: A Commitment: http://bit.ly/gHGzVH
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Lemon Cookies for Easter http://bit.ly/eGGivt @CleoCoyle
An editorial chat on prose: http://bit.ly/eIFZFH
Fantasy Is Not Safe: http://bit.ly/h9eR98
Are you prepared to answer the question, "What's your book about?"? http://bit.ly/fbdRlI @jamigold
Writing rituals: http://bit.ly/ekvaXp
Can’t Write? Draw: http://bit.ly/gNhzlN
Working Through an Agent’s Critique Letter: http://bit.ly/fZIYts @4kidlit
Guest Blogging Etiquette: Let's Make a Deal: http://bit.ly/gvJ4gM
Things to consider before branching out into other genres: http://bit.ly/hoxZQv
What to Do When Your Writing Takes a Back Seat: http://bit.ly/f7ENtj
How to choose the best story idea: http://bit.ly/h9Ii1X
5 Critical Areas to Focus On For Writing Skills Growth: http://bit.ly/igIdVY
Self-editing checklist--voice and viewpoint: http://bit.ly/eTMFJT
How Amazon Recommendation Algorithms Help Sell Your Book: http://bit.ly/fh8Mr3 @thecreativepenn
Making the Author-Editor Connection: The Importance of Being Edited: http://bit.ly/ga3IjE
7 Reasons Why Your Posts Aren’t Getting Retweeted: http://bit.ly/ejBnvX
Got social media app challenges? A software trainer & writer wants to help: http://bit.ly/f9vHke @jhansenwrites
Why one writer quit querying: http://bit.ly/e4glqJ @keligwyn
Doubtlessly, there is doubt: http://bit.ly/exObqc
Writing Your Character’s Thoughts: http://bit.ly/h9uACh @CherylRWrites
A Yes-and-No Answer About Hyphenating Phrases: http://bit.ly/ig8sHh
Exploring the difference between having readers and having *fans*: http://bit.ly/huGo6J
Mental Signposts That Tell, Not Show: http://bit.ly/g1Jhi3
Defining foundation concepts: http://bit.ly/fQFjKO
7 Secrets of Creating Effective Email Campaigns: http://bit.ly/eP8jCF
A revision success story: http://bit.ly/gdG9cX
Beware Milli Vanilli Syndrome: http://bit.ly/giNYwT
Broadcastr Launches Android App: http://bit.ly/gkvJmR @galleycat
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Easter Dessert http://bit.ly/gEySIx @CleoCoyle
Is Myth Dead? What is Myth and how did we kill it? http://bit.ly/fOl4tb @agent139
4 Ways to Keep Your Lifeless Blog from Boring Your Readers to Tears: http://bit.ly/eZSWNz
13 Ways to Screw Up Your Query: http://bit.ly/fQMKOU
10 Tips for Writing Excellence From Top Writing Bloggers: http://bit.ly/eb3aJR
Help For Those Late Night Fights With Your Blog: http://dld.bz/Xtsj @jhansenwrites
Beneath Our Feet and Above Our Heads: http://bit.ly/eZ4Et4
On Earning Out: http://bit.ly/hWNNmK
7 Considerations When Writing Descriptions: http://bit.ly/dXuUTg @authorterryo
Standing Out in the Slushpile: Some Basic Tips: http://bit.ly/eAQCrU
What were this month's most popular writing articles? Sign up for the monthly WKB newsletter for links & interviews: http://bit.ly/gx7hg1
Best of the Best - Speculative Fiction Resources: http://bit.ly/fu8KqU @bluemaven
Top 10 Reasons You Should Rewrite That Scene: http://bit.ly/fav9gu
5 brutal truths about feedback on writing: http://bit.ly/fq7GYz @jammer0501
If you've had near misses with agents and publishers – should you self-publish? http://bit.ly/hveW7E @dirtywhitecandy
Blogs and branding: http://bit.ly/gOFDNX
Writing and taxes: http://bit.ly/dR5H4H
Care and Feeding of the Discouraged Writer: http://bit.ly/iaItaE @CherylRWrites
Romantic comedy truisms: http://bit.ly/fI43lZ
Publishing, POD, eBooks, Self-Publishing—Indie Editor FAQ: http://bit.ly/eZuUIK
What Makes a Strong Female Character Strong? http://bit.ly/fL9usM
Do you know enough to self-publish? http://bit.ly/eUxi0U
Be a Transparent Tweeter: http://bit.ly/hKI4OZ
Mix your industry learning with writing time: http://bit.ly/f0yl9z @jamigold
A look at 'quiet' murder mysteries: http://bit.ly/e4H9c8 @mkinberg
Color theory and color symbolism: http://bit.ly/fx9gYI
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Quick Potato Casserole http://bit.ly/dWhmnR @CleoCoyle
10 Reasons Why You Should Be Blogging: http://bit.ly/g7hd82
Abstraction of interactions: http://bit.ly/hfSAma @RavenRequiem13
Mystery Writer's Guide To Forensic Science - Paternity Tests: http://bit.ly/h0bvfj @clarissadraper
On em dashes: http://bit.ly/eqdQoj
When did your love affair with books start? How one editor's love of books began: http://bit.ly/i3xdAV @p2p_editor
How Do Your Characters Sound? http://bit.ly/e4qMpc @Paize_Fiddler
Tips for designing your own cover from an author who's done it: http://bit.ly/gIjNDz , http://bit.ly/hT38oa, http://bit.ly/fwHD9i @smreine
Will E-Books Save Short Stories? http://bit.ly/gKsXlV @ajackwriting
10 lies you might tell yourself while editing: http://bit.ly/hj3bfV @elspethwrites
Reality vs Drama (modifying reality to fit our story needs): http://bit.ly/hNDgxu
Turn Writing Weaknesses into Strengths: http://bit.ly/es6K6P
The entire NY Times "Writers on Writing" series: http://bit.ly/eAUAeF via @Quotes4Writers
Fictional Time Travel That Won’t Make a Physicist Cringe: http://bit.ly/gnVGx3
When Should Writers Worry About Copyright? http://bit.ly/g7SDJ7
12 Signs Your Novel isn't Ready to Publish: http://bit.ly/i3tSDY
5 Tips for Getting Back in the Groove: http://bit.ly/hfN8tb @CherylRWrites
3 myths about agents: http://bit.ly/epLWL9 @tawnafenske
What Will It Take To Make Science Fiction Romance "Truly Excellent"? http://bit.ly/hmgxWx
Using the sense of smell in your writing: http://bit.ly/eMbJve
The reader's experience: http://bit.ly/eK3h2G
Don't hide info that readers need: http://bit.ly/frISMF
Design themes for your WordPress site: http://bit.ly/idaGYF
Independent tracking of eBook sales: http://bit.ly/elNYKk
5 helpful questions for building a story: http://bit.ly/hLxQjY
Writing in the Golden Age of Ebooks: http://bit.ly/gDtn7Z
Scriptwriters: A Procrastinator’s Guide to Surviving Act 2: http://bit.ly/g7ZpGh
Celebrating the 'empty nest' of a new book: http://bit.ly/geaQpf
The Ebook Will Evolve. So Should Authors: http://bit.ly/hfVWIN
The writer's thesaurus--now with entries for weather to join the entries for setting, emotions, symbolism: http://bit.ly/eIGRMO
How to develop raving blog fans: http://bit.ly/fZJODJ
The Writer’s Life? Only You Know: http://bit.ly/hJkRE4
Think Like A Publisher #8… Price, Discounts, and Sales: http://bit.ly/edGdg3
10 Reasons to Practice Freewriting: http://bit.ly/g0vVEi @CherylRWrites
What were this month's most popular writing articles? Sign up for the monthly WKB newsletter for links & interviews: http://bit.ly/gx7hg1
Introducing The New Slush Readers: http://bit.ly/e9RB4f
Booksigning Etiquette: http://bit.ly/fbxSSD
The importance of pathos: http://bit.ly/gcGthd
Writing Your Character’s Thoughts: 3rd Person Limited POV: http://bit.ly/dKAPQI @CherylRWrites
5 Qualities to Consider During Character Development: http://bit.ly/i8DP77
Brainstorming tips: http://bit.ly/eJFH9b
Style Sheets: An Editorial Tool: http://bit.ly/hSJTvn
Key Story Elements - Ordinary World and Special World: http://bit.ly/eHj75K
How to Avoid the Comparison Trap: http://bit.ly/e7elw9 @keligwyn
YA Deals By The Numbers: http://bit.ly/e4qFiC
They’re Just Not That Into You: Dealing With Reviews: http://bit.ly/e9vL5N
An editorial chat on character development: http://bit.ly/fwqCT1 @dirtywhitecandy
Learn how to write a screenplay by studying great scripts: http://bit.ly/e1eC09 #scriptwriting
Freelancers--Avoiding Unscoped Work from Unreasonable Clients: http://bit.ly/gRV0dm
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Cadbury Creme Style Chocolate Easter Eggs From Scratch? http://bit.ly/hkCnEg @CleoCoyle
A Loose History of Vampires: http://bit.ly/fYBJcb
The Problem of Absolutes in Fantasy Literature: http://bit.ly/eMtibY
Do We Need Our Heroes to Slip? http://bit.ly/hq5UQP
Best Tweets for Writers (week ending 4/15/11): http://bit.ly/e1eN2v
A roundup of interesting links for historical writers: http://bit.ly/fgg9YP
The Dystopia/Utopia Dichotomy: http://bit.ly/ihAXWr
Book Fair Bewares for Writers: http://bit.ly/gOQplX
Overstuffed Dialogue: http://bit.ly/eRADSv
27 ways to promote your book—before writing it, before launching it, & after publishing it: http://bit.ly/f7E43A
Need help with scene transitions? http://bit.ly/fivggV
4 Places to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing: http://bit.ly/eamUcz
When the Words Won’t Flow: 4 Tools to Try: http://bit.ly/ey9GkX @CherylRWrites
How Not to Use Speaker Tags and Action Beats: http://bit.ly/evgmqs
Just make the pancakes. http://bit.ly/ewkm9J @Christi_Craig
12 Weak Words We Can Turn into Strong Ones: http://bit.ly/dZ7EaA @keligwyn
Writing prompts to jumpstart creativity: http://bit.ly/fxp2iY @WritePrompts
Job-hunting advice for journalists selling skills in the digital market: http://bit.ly/eGeQoB
Novelist proposes to girlfriend in print (Guardian): http://bit.ly/gzkToV
The Aches and Pains of Being a Writer: http://bit.ly/fblaIr
E-publishing With a Publisher Versus Self-publishing: http://bit.ly/g11uQB
Slipping in Character Description: http://bit.ly/hnQSKy
How do you know which critique advice to take and which to ignore? http://bit.ly/hvPKBB
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Welcome Guest Blogger Amanda Flower http://bit.ly/fVBCoR @CleoCoyle
How To Amp Up Sexual Tension In Your Story: http://bit.ly/dSLNvg @RoniLoren
20 Great Similes from Literature to Inspire You: http://bit.ly/fR5WXP
Should we jot down story ideas we get, so we won't forget them? Stephen King says not to: http://bit.ly/gE4NkH @hektorkarl
7 Strategies to Keep Momentum When You Don’t Have Time to Write: http://bit.ly/hJ5d2a @CherylRWrites
Want to write a book but don't know where to start? http://bit.ly/fjlaTJ
Mistaken Newbie Writer Beliefs: http://bit.ly/e7j6X5
Jewels in crime fiction: http://bit.ly/e8c7fD @mkinberg
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