Judul : Twitterific
link : Twitterific
Below are writing links that I’ve posted to Twitter in the last week.
The Writer’s Knowledge Base search engine, designed by software engineer and writer Mike Fleming, makes all these links searchable—try it for searches on plotting, characterization, querying, book promo, and more.
Anyone signing up for the free Writer’s Knowledge Base newsletter this month (and current subscribers) will be automatically entered in a June drawing to receive K.M. Weiland’s CD (or MP3) Conquering Writer's Block and Summoning Inspiration CD . Sign up here for the web's best writing links and interviews: http://bit.ly/gx7hg1 . (You can unsubscribe at any time, and your email information is never shared.)
The Small-Scale Approach to Achieving Great Things: http://bit.ly/mbHFNs
5 Ways To Sell Your Next Book Before It's Written: http://bit.ly/iAeLkx
Primary Characteristics: http://bit.ly/kEpnf6
Dos and Don'ts for Prologues and Epilogues: http://bit.ly/jWTcrm @Sarafurlong
Bullying in crime fiction: http://bit.ly/lBxIFz @mkinberg
The A to Z of Excellent Copywriting: http://bit.ly/ikONn4
Using Tarot in Writing: http://bit.ly/iNbvvL @raelynbarclay
Tips for Selecting Your Story’s Narrative Style: http://bit.ly/jek6ui
The Mean, the Bad, and the Nasty—Writing Villains: http://bit.ly/jV0ojo
Lessons from an Old Panasonic: Read out loud: http://bit.ly/kBpkYt @Christi_Craig
Tips for growing your social media following: http://bit.ly/kJZrlq
For those last-minute shoppers: 10 Lists of Book Gift Ideas for Mother’s Day: http://bit.ly/jNqhyY @galleycat
How Plot Development Is Like Navigating a Maze: http://bit.ly/k1aB5a
The 20 minute workout for your manuscript: http://bit.ly/mHJpGy
Raising the Tension in Your Scenes: http://bit.ly/mEyAGj
Best Articles This Week for Writers 5/6/11: http://bit.ly/lsiKJD
Including symbolism in your story: http://bit.ly/kXWmAS
A few helpful Word tips: http://bit.ly/ll7wpD
Here’s A Guaranteed Way To Generate A Backlog Of Post Ideas: http://bit.ly/ifz1wq
How to Escalate the Suck Factor, Star Wars Style: http://bit.ly/mc366J
A rhyming tool for poets: http://bit.ly/mQfUjV
Mistakes We Make With Middles: http://bit.ly/meinRO
Be fearless as a writer: http://bit.ly/k3GEwj
An agent says: .doc is not .docx: http://bit.ly/kTSx2E
Now with over 7000 links to help #writers find resources: http://bit.ly/dYRayA
Proper use of the comma: http://bit.ly/klFCWx
The Top 3 Daily Time-Wasters & How To Tame Them: http://bit.ly/j4AofU
Literary Magazines Are Learning to Surf (Poets and Writers): http://bit.ly/mKPP8S
Art of the Fantasy Genre: The Fighter: http://bit.ly/m7AEuw
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Chocolate Angel Food Cake http://bit.ly/kLRFLu
Reading in the Cloud: “Spotify for Books” from The Publisher’s Standpoint: http://bit.ly/ijxsim
Thoughts on creating endings: http://bit.ly/jBn1uf
Democratizing the tools of production has made creation of great literature easier: http://bit.ly/lSBmQ9
Thoughts on protagonist creation: http://bit.ly/kDHp4C
Make Your Antagonist a Force for Good: http://bit.ly/m9ZKma @jamigold
Self-editing checklist--show and tell: http://bit.ly/jTgRAy
The Premise that Sells: http://bit.ly/myZSne
How to Get LinkedIn Famous in 15 Minutes a Day: http://bit.ly/k4bMBt
Ebook or Print Book? Why Do You Have to Choose? http://bit.ly/mM2XIk @thecreativepenn
Combat writer's block and unleash your creativity with the first WKB giveaway! http://bit.ly/mqBVzq
Am I Writing YA or MG? http://bit.ly/li8P26
Creating Characters in Poetry: http://bit.ly/j47TAu
Cutting the Flab: Eliminate Extraneous Words: http://bit.ly/jnkwm0
Social Media for Authors: Forever in Search of Buzz (Poets and Writers): http://bit.ly/lZLmJd
How to Make a Zombie Plague: http://bit.ly/k4MPOy
Thicken your skin: http://bit.ly/iVUueG
How to search Google like a pro: http://bit.ly/jWBko8
Subtle ways to come out of the writing closet: http://bit.ly/lU3noW
DRM vs. piracy, and the future of e-books: http://bit.ly/kq4NRy
Why Creative People Need to Be Eccentric: http://bit.ly/mJvGhV
@KristenLambTX 's new twibe for writers wanting to build a platform & connect to other writers: #MyWANA http://bit.ly/lQkbWO
Is Blogger Copyright Dead? http://bit.ly/mg56wA
Tips for Writing Picture Books: http://bit.ly/mBh3QV
The Inherent Falseness of Memoir: http://bit.ly/ive0iR
Are literary agents dinosaurs? http://bit.ly/jr93zU
Blog Commenting Flops: Do These to Lose Traffic and Links: http://bit.ly/kLt3vv
Improv [Writing] Tip #7: Keep It Real: http://bit.ly/ikMOqM
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: I love fondue, do you? http://bit.ly/kGvsL5
Why We Write: In the Presence of Living: http://bit.ly/impwsw
Tools for writers: http://bit.ly/jvUMBF
Select precise nouns and verbs: http://bit.ly/kWM49Y
10 Nontraditional Ways To Promote Your Book: http://bit.ly/jLcaJh
15 Purposes for Parentheses: http://bit.ly/l4OMQ5
The Realities of Getting Real: http://bit.ly/lMEzut
Going to a convention? Tips for newbies: http://bit.ly/kG5v8Z @kbowenwriter
4 reasons you may be missing deadlines: http://bit.ly/kmGXG7
Nathan Bransford's editing process: http://bit.ly/ikIef0
5 ways to ruin a good story: http://bit.ly/imjXUh
Key Story Elements: Inner And Outer Desire: http://bit.ly/lbm2Nb
How Mundane Routines Produce Creative Magic: http://bit.ly/iZOfMr
Top 5 Band-Aids to Apply Before Querying: http://bit.ly/lH39Om
Being Prepared—as a Writer: http://bit.ly/mUvZ19
10 Cool Things on the Web (for screenwriters, fans, and other literary types): http://bit.ly/itB9WR
Affect Is (Usually) a Verb: http://bit.ly/jQAttK
Query Letter Mad Libs: http://bit.ly/jXtZae
Sign up for the monthly WKB newsletter for the web's best writing links and interviews: http://bit.ly/gx7hg1
A tool for finding in-person crit groups. Type in "critique group" and your location: http://bit.ly/lSed7B
ISBN Decoded: http://bit.ly/lGNjOr
How to Minimize Interruptions When You’re Working: http://bit.ly/lyBEXs
20 Ways to Rejuvenate Your Writing Life This Spring: http://bit.ly/kCRiWo
For crime writers--12 Legal Warrant-less Searches: http://bit.ly/lffrpJ
Does the Pitch Tail Wag The Novel Dog? http://bit.ly/kUssJT
How to keep doubts at bay: http://bit.ly/kpoqq3
Overcome Resistance and Get Out of Your Own Way: http://bit.ly/l31ie8
Jane Friedman, Former ‘Writer’s Digest’ Publisher, Tells All: http://bit.ly/iJaxGJ
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Buttermilk Banana Bread http://bit.ly/lZd48z
An insider's guide to book fairs (Guardian): http://bit.ly/kYF0xM
Don't be an uptight tweeter: http://bit.ly/kDjLXN
Putting the suspense puzzle together: http://bit.ly/jRrj8M
Keep 'em guessing: http://bit.ly/jWPUJE @juliemusil
Why It’s A Great Time To Be A Freelance Writer: http://bit.ly/j6W31U
Learning to Disconnect: http://bit.ly/l3FLsA
10 steps for dealing effectively with rejection: http://bit.ly/iIWS0K @douglascorleone
How to figure out when a chapter isn’t working: http://bit.ly/iNvVIl
Is your book's setting ho-hum? http://bit.ly/gByyLa
Build A Writing Network With LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/iFTxoj @jhansenwrites
Why companions and sidekicks are so important in books: http://bit.ly/m1cH2m
Need Some Bling for Your Title? Try PRISM: http://bit.ly/jiTJOf @4kidlit
1-step websites for writers: http://bit.ly/jrnGPT @janefriedman
Passionate writing: http://bit.ly/iCDGvx
Every individual, and character, is their own unique thread: http://bit.ly/ivdhu3 @RavenRequiem13
The art of creative abundance: http://bit.ly/kD9LIg
4 Advantages of Re-Reading: http://bit.ly/lxFTvP @victoriamixon
Don’t Write the Bland and the Boring: http://bit.ly/lM8jAW
How to Focus with Pomodoro Technique: http://bit.ly/kjdbXj
Tips for Treating Titles of People: http://bit.ly/lFx53D
3 Powerful Blog Post Formulas That Most Bloggers Overlook: http://bit.ly/lk6AJ0
24 Ways to Enhance Your Creativity: http://bit.ly/mHedXU
Teaching Fantasy Part 1: Rewards, Backfires, Escapes: http://bit.ly/ktBtBw
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: A Killer Quiche to Celebrate the Release of Avery's LOST and FONDUE! http://bit.ly/m8tADm
Grammar ABCs: A is for Appositive: http://bit.ly/ka7iIf
35 Weird Traits Your Characters May Have: http://bit.ly/lj4c8N
10 Most Popular Professions for Romance Novel Heroes: http://bit.ly/mh9xAe @galleycat
How To Write Memorable Characters: http://bit.ly/maYQad
The 3 stages of querying: http://bit.ly/msA8Fe
Writing Copy That Sells--The Dirty Little Secret to Seducing Your Readers: http://bit.ly/is5OaM
When to end a series: http://bit.ly/jH9nQm
Take a Chance with Your Writing: http://bit.ly/iUt4om
The Stigma Of Writing Horror: How The Genre You Write Matters As Much As The Story: http://bit.ly/lRvsNY @thecreativepenn
The One Right Way to Write a Query: http://bit.ly/lo1mHW
Up Your (Story) Game: 7 Tips: http://bit.ly/kvjen9 @CherylRWrites
When writing is your day job, summer vacation for the kids can turn your schedule upside down: http://bit.ly/lKtH2R
Get Your E-Book Noticed: Presentation, Promotion & Patience: http://bit.ly/lad78A
Keep a file copy of every book and story you write on your computer: http://bit.ly/lBZI6L
Fantasy settings: The Wastelands: http://bit.ly/k6NkQl
7 things about the business of writing that one author has learned: http://bit.ly/letuTv
A self-publishing scale to help categorize authors: http://bit.ly/m9nGjX
A definition of Deep POV and tips for writing it: http://bit.ly/jqj10x @authorterryo
Understanding—and Accepting—the Reasons You Write: http://bit.ly/me23L2
Getting More Links to Your Blog – Things That Make People Link: http://bit.ly/kBXu22
Creativity: the Least Important, Most Important Thing There Is: http://bit.ly/kvSQoz #amwwriting
The secret life of libraries: http://bit.ly/lTPeRd
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Agatha Winners! http://bit.ly/lfDarw
Why you need to give it away (to be a successful creative): http://bit.ly/mctvqh
Authors should create “error logs” for their books & ebooks: http://bit.ly/l7TNCd
Freelancers: 6 foolproof ways to unstick stuck writing and thinking: http://bit.ly/lXewAn @janodaniel
7 Survival Secrets for Independent Bookstores: http://bit.ly/mzzLi8 @galleycat
Is the happy ending making a comeback? (Guardian): http://bit.ly/kqNryk
Best Tweets for Writers (week ending 4/29/11): http://bit.ly/jhjNUJ
Formatting posts and pages on your new WordPress blog: http://bit.ly/llAqiV @storiestorm
An agent asks, "WTF is up with cursing in YA?" http://bit.ly/j7nk9W
Using Google calendar to stay organized: http://bit.ly/ilRZ3C
Want to create vibrant characters that pop off the page? http://bit.ly/hoxTo9
Can Our Own eBooks Become More Interactive? http://bit.ly/kwAyyk
Modern Fantasy Sub-Genre Bingo: http://bit.ly/iZ4qEz
The Elegant and Inescapable Semicolon: http://bit.ly/kEbsMx
Words, words, and more words: http://bit.ly/iR0i7j
6 Directions for Visual Display of Content: http://bit.ly/kFWhgh
2 Extremes Writers Take & How To Avoid Them: http://bit.ly/kTitXV
Delving in Details: http://bit.ly/kKeoM7 @RavenRequiem13
The Dilemma of The Mother Writer: http://bit.ly/jF01UO
Punctuating Quotations: http://bit.ly/kZeKXw
Why Do We Think Talent Ought to Be Rewarded? http://bit.ly/lHYdzk
Your 10 Step Plan for Becoming a Twitter Star: http://bit.ly/mzct9n
Who Cares About “Whom” Anymore? http://bit.ly/kejGdb
Approach your book idea thoughtfully: http://bit.ly/ln9Dil
Semicolons and Other Signs of Savvy Writing: http://bit.ly/kJdoqD
Overediting: Sucking the Life Out of Your Story: http://bit.ly/ig2Z1B
5 Pieces of Well-Meaning Writing Advice That One Writer is Glad She Didn’t Take: http://bit.ly/kHRVRW
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