Building a World From the Ground Up—by Janice Hardy
As a fantasy author, creating the worlds my characters inhabit is half the fun. But it can also be a lot of work, because there’s so much yo...
6 Jun, 2021
- "Where do you get your ideas?"
- 12 Super Powers for Writers
- 36 plots
- 5 stars on Amazon
- 5 Tips for Staying Encouraged During Querying
- 7 different plots
- a writing bio
- Alan Orloff
- Alex J. Cananaugh
- Amazon reviews
- ambiguous characters
- approaches for learning something new
- author talk
- avoiding profanity in books
- backstory
- backups
- balancing family life and writing
- being flexible as a writer
- blog tours
- book acknowledgments
- book clubs
- book launch tips
- borrowing names for our books
- buckling down on your book
- challenging our characters
- changing plans
- character consistency
- character development
- character growth
- character names
- character questionnaires
- character worksheets
- characters who grow on a reader
- clean mysteries
- Confessions of a Watery Tart
- conflict
- cover art
- covers
- creating uncomfortable situations
- Cricket McRae
- Darkfall
- description
- developing theme
- dialect
- Dorte H. Jakobsen
- Douglas Corleone
- e-editions
- ebook designers
- ebook editors
- ebook formatters
- ebook pricing
- ebook professionals
- exporting a document to your Kindle
- first drafts
- fixing flat characters
- flat writing
- Following the Whispers
- Google calendar for organization
- Google plus
- Google+
- Google+ for writers
- guest post
- Harrison Bradlow
- Hart Johnson
- Hickory Smoked Homicide
- how to start writing a book
- how to transfer your manuscript to a Kindle
- inspiration
- Jami Gold
- Janice Hardy
- Jeannie Campbell
- Karen Walker
- Killer Routine
- Kim Wright
- Kindles
- learning the writing craft
- making the change to ebooks
- making time to write
- making unlikeable characters more likeable
- making writing fun
- Man Martin
- Mike Fleming
- Monster
- motivation
- name confusion
- name creation
- naming characters
- narrative distance
- narrative focus
- old manuscripts
- organizing our time
- original stories
- outlines
- overcoming writing weaknesses
- p.m. terrell
- parents who are writers
- Penguin
- pitching our book
- planning a writing career
- practicing our writing
- preparing for a lecture
- preparing for book clubs
- preparing to write
- privacy concerns with Word 2010
- productivity
- profanity
- Progressive Dinner Deadly
- promo
- promo time
- promoting vs writing
- pros and cons of outlining
- pros of self-publishing
- pros of traditional publishing
- public speaking
- publishing
- pushy characters
- readings
- red herrings in mysteries
- Rejections
- resources for novelists
- revealing that you write
- reverting to the original
- revising on Kindle
- saying no
- scapegoating
- Secondary Characters
- sequels
- setting writing goals
- Should I Get an Agent?
- social media and releases
- space between books
- speaking to different groups
- staying focused on writing
- staying organized
- stock signings
- stories within stories
- summing up our book
- surprises
- taking readers into account
- taking suggestions
- talking about your writing
- talking while writing and editing
- Tempat Wisata
- The Character Therapist
- The Cosy Knave
- The Daring Novelist
- the future of agents
- the WKB
- theme
- throw bad writing away?
- tips for author readings
- tips for blog tours
- tips for promoting
- tips for readings
- tips for worldbuilding
- track changes mark-up removal
- transitions
- travelogue
- Twitterific
- un-revising
- unlikeable characters
- Walter Dean Myers
- warming up to writing
- weather to set mood
- what characters want
- what not to do on a blog tour
- what to do with bad writing
- when to end a series
- when to publish a sequel to a book
- where to start when writing a book
- white collar crime
- why agents are useful
- Wined and Died
- WKB newsletter
- wooden writing
- Word 2010 track changes
- word count
- word count for different genres
- worksheets for writers
- worldbuilding
- write according to mood
- Writer Knowledge Base
- writers
- writing
- writing a bio
- writing a book acknowledgment
- writing a social media bio
- writing about real people
- writing about white collar crime
- writing books
- writing description
- writing for ourselves
- writing in surprises
- writing links
- writing more than one genre
- writing openings
- writing profanity
- writing prompts
- writing quickly
- writing several genres
- writing tangents
- writing transitions in novels
- writing worksheets
- Your Path to Publication